Quick Quote: Step 1

Policy Type:

Single Trip: This policy provides continuous cover for one single trip. more...
You can select a policy duration from 2 days up to 365 days and the cover provided will continue for the entire duration selected. If you decide to travel longer than originally planned you can apply to extend your policy beyond the original expiry date selected provided that no policy period (continuous period of cover) exceeds 365 days in total and that you request this extension prior to the date when the original policy period ends. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement for full details on the Period of Insurance and applicable terms and conditions.

Annual Multi Trip: This policy is suitable for frequent travellers undertaking short duration trips in a year. more...
This policy provides cover for an unlimited number of trips in a 12 month period subject to no one trip exceeding the maximum trip duration you select at the time of purchase. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement for full details on the Period of Insurance and applicable terms and conditions.

Policy options: Single Trip

One Way Trip: Cover is available for those travelling on a one-way basis (ie where you are not returning to the point of departure). more...
If you are travelling on a one-way basis you will need to declare your final destination. In the event of repatriation being required, you will be repatriated to your final destination. Similarly, in the event of a claim, your final destination will be deemed to be your normal country of residence for the purpose of determining policy response. Please read the Policy Disclosure Statement for full details on "one-way travel" and applicable terms and conditions.

Policy options: Annual Multi Trip

Maximum Trip Length:
Annual Multi Trip: Whilst an Annual Multi Trip policy provides cover for any number of trips undertaken in a 12 month period, this is subject to no one trip exceeding the maximum trip duration you select. Please nominate the maximum period of any one trip for which you require insurance.

Travel Dates

Trip Length:
Single Trip: Please select the date your trip will commence (ie departure date) and the date you will return home or arrive at your final destination. more...
If while you are away you decide to stay longer, you can apply to extend your policy beyond the original expiry date. Any extension request is subject to assessment and must be requested prior to the date when the original policy will end. At no time can a Single Trip policy exceed 365 days in total.
Please select the date you wish your policy to start. Your policy will be valid for one year from this date. more...
Please note that for cancellation cover to be effective you will need to nominate a date which coincides with the date you book a trip for which you require insurance cover and not the date your trip will commence (ie the departure date).
If you are travelling on a one-way basis you will need to declare your final destination. In the event of repatriation being required, you will be repatriated to your final destination. Similarly, in the event of a claim, your final destination will be deemed to be your normal country of residence for the purpose of determining policy response. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement for full details on "one-way travel" and applicable terms and conditions.

Where are you travelling to?

You must be an Australia resident to purchase from Go Insurance
Countries and Region of Travel:

Please see the list of countries and regions we offer as destinations: View Destinations & Regions

Important Notice:

If selecting a Region of Travel, please note:

  • We do not offer cover for travel to or within Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or Ukraine.
  • We do not provide coverage for any destination under a "Do Not Travel" warning.

Coverage applies only to the countries or region selected at the time of purchase and explicitly listed on your Certificate of Insurance.

Stopovers: more...
You do not need to list stopovers if they are less than 48 hours. For stays exceeding 48 hours, you must include the country or region in your selection.

Annual Multi-Trip Policies: more...
You do not need to list Australia, as cover is automatically provided for domestic travel, provided you are travelling at least 150 kilometres from your home or workplace and have at least one night of pre-booked accommodation at the destination.

Cruising: Select "Yes" if you are travelling on a cruise ship on a sea or ocean for two or more nights. more...
You can include Cruise Cover, but it’s not required if:

  • You are travelling on a river cruise (e.g., a European river cruise).
  • Your cruise is for one night only.
  • You are taking a ferry.
  • You are sailing or cruising on inland waters within Australia.

Please refer to our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for full terms and conditions related to the Cruise extension.

Age of Travellers

Number of Travellers
# Age Date of Birth
(Provide Age or Date of Birth, not both)

Promo Code

If you have a promo code, please enter it here.
Promo Code:

You've selected Australia as the region.

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